Thursday, August 23, 2012

Now It's Feeling Real!

After finding out I had been awarded the scholarship in December of 2011, it seems like ages have passed! So many things have happened in my life that it doesn't seem possible that it's almost September and I'm almost getting ready to leave!

In the past month I have been having a lot of communication with my advisors, both at CMU and in Germany. I can't stress how important it is to communicate with those who are helping to arrange your stay on a regular basis. They have probably helped many students along this journey and keep in mind- they are willing to help you too! Don't be afraid to ask questions and for clarification on things you're not fully understanding. 

I have had several doctors appointments, dentist appointments, and an eye doctor appointment as well! It's really important to make sure I'm all up to date on my shots, my teeth are in great condition (especially since I have TMJ, which I'm sure will be addressed throughout various posts), and my eye prescription is up to date before I leave.

 *Please see Travel Tips for more about the importance of seeing all your doctors before leaving for a trip overseas, especially a semester or year long study abroad!*
My flight will leave Michigan on September 25th and I will arrive in Germany on September 26th. Flying over the Atlantic is always a special experience for me. I love flying and the atmosphere of an airport, especially an international airport!

I may be quiet again for the next few weeks while I'm getting ready- there is plenty to do! I've got to make copies of all my important documents, organize my room, pack, shop, and see all my friends and family again before I go!