Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentine's Day Adventure

You would think that being 1000s of miles away from my "Valentine" would be a sad thing, but alas, I had such a great Valentine's Day Adventure with my friend Alice!

We had an "Adventure Afternoon" that started with meeting up at a bakery- getting both savory and sweet treats, and then we took a walk around one of the nicest areas in Kassel- at the Orangerie! Such a beautiful place and the park around it is a great place to walk about- I can't wait for the weather to be nice! I plan to go and read or knit (a new skill I've learned since being here!) or just spend time outside.

When I was there, I noticed how interesting it is- to have this piece of history, basically in them middle of the city. When looking through the pictures, you can see the different apartment or office buildings in the background, such a contrast! (Ok, maybe not the pictures I took this time around, but I'll be adding more when I go there next time!)

Our afternoon ended with us coming back to my apartment, having a nice dinner and knitting together!

Just a little look "over my shoulder"- I still can't believe I'm in Germany sometimes!

So pretty!

So, although I couldn't be with my special guy back home, I had a great adventure here in Kassel- I even had my own Titanic moment! :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

I Don't Think I Could Have Said It Any Better Myself...

What Happens When You Live Abroad

This line of thought is truly amazing- and as I'm nearing the "middle-point" of my experience here (if I haven't already?) it's so true. This experience- 10 months of living in another country- it changes "you," in this case, "me."

But that word, change, doesn't have to mean something negative. We often hear it as something bad, as in "YOU'VE CHANGED." It doesn't have to be that way. I'm thankful for this change- it brings new perspectives to the table, it allows me to give others new ideas or inspirations, and it opens my eyes up to the world around me. It's my motivation to continue to pursue a teaching career, after all!

So- if you're thinking about traveling abroad- do it. There is no better time than now. The rest will all fall into place.

Here's a good follow-up article. Some food for thought..

Why You Should Travel Young

In Frankfurt, Germany

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Maybe this is a stupid question..."

"...but what does it feel like to be SOOOO FARRRR away from home?"

I got asked this question today by someone in one of my seminars. It really made me stop and think about it- I guess I haven't realized that I'm "so far" away from home, but I guess, when looking at the globe or a map, I am a bit of a way's away, aren't I?

I tried to formulate an answer that made any sense, and these are some things I came up with:

*It truly doesn't feel like I'm so far away from home because I have the support of my friends, family, boyfriend, professors, even strangers back home as well as those that are here with me in Germany from the VDAC, the ERASMUS students, the Ladies Club here in Kassel, and those that I've met through the university. I think it's really important to know that others believe in you, even when you're not really believing in yourself everyday.

*I haven't really noticed the distance in my day to day because I've developed my own routine here. I know when I have to be at class, when I've got some down time, and I can make my way around on my own.

*I'm comfortable in my surroundings- I know where I have to go to get groceries-even if it always gives me a bit of a panic attack (I don't understand why they have to scan all of my items so fast when I'm expected to bag my own things at the same time as paying!), the best baked goods, wool for knitting (even though I'm still struggling with this skill), clothes, and even craft supplies. I've figured out the wonders of the post office, "aliens department," International Office, and the various secretaries on campus. This has helped me to feel like I've found a 2nd home (again) here in Germany.

*It's easy to not notice the distance when I feel like those that I care about and those that care about me back home haven't "forgotten" about me. I don't feel like I've been sent off to some foreign land and forgotten about until I'm back home.

*The amounts of adventures everyday, every week, every month have kept my spirits high, which makes it really easy to not think about home as much. Will I have another birthday where I spend it at the Frankfurter Zoo with Alice? Probably not. It's taking each day for what it's worth and making the best out of it. I don't leave myself much time and space to get bogged down with the thoughts of missing home.

So- I don't think it's a stupid question at all, in fact- it's a question that has really gotten me to think about everything- putting it all in a great perspective. Even though I'm thousands of miles away from home, it certainly doesn't feel like it.

A View of Kassel on a Walk

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY... to Me!

On Sunday, February 3rd (known as Super Bowl Sunday to most of the US...and around the world!) was my 23rd birthday! Yay!

To celebrate, my friend Alice (from England) and I went to Frankfurt! We started the trip from Kassel with a Starbucks and some Brötchen (bread rolls) and we arrived to Frankfurt just after noon! We made our way through the underground to the Zoo. I was so excited to see the different animals and it was such a fun way to celebrate my birthday! We ended the day with a great dinner and got a piece of chocolate cake from Starbucks for the train ride home.

After getting back to my apartment, we had some tea and watched Bridesmaids- the perfect end to the day! I got to talk to my parents and Nathan- making this birthday girl feel special!

While it wasn't some big party with lots of drinks and people, I truly enjoyed my birthday and feel so lucky to have spent it with Alice. :)