This is one thing I've been thinking about dedicating a post to since I've been here because I think it's really important to remember to take care of yourself while you're studying abroad. I mean- no one wants to have the sniffles while their friends are out having fun, right?
So.. here are some things that I think are worth a thought if you're studying abroad (even if you're not, really!)
1. EAT RIGHT. Don't skimp on the fresh foods! While living in Germany gives me plenty of opportunities to take advantage of the over 300 types of bread (uhh.. yeah, that's not a joke!), it's also really important to make sure I balance it out with some healthy fruits and veggies! And.. I can enjoy the fresh fruits and veggies WITH the fresh bread- best of both worlds, am I right?!
2. Drink plenty of WATER. Getting dehydrated is one of the worst feelings. Nothing makes you want to stay inside, to stay in bed, more than being dehydrated! One way to make sure you're getting enough fluids is to always carry a water bottle around with you! One of the things I saw on Pinterest is to write times of the day down the side of the bottle, it makes you more aware of how much you could/should be drinking throughout the day, talk about a way to keep you on track!
3. SLEEEEEEP. My goodness- I don't know how some of the other students do it while they're here! They are partying when I see them on Monday and then again on Wednesday, then through the weekend- when do they sleep?! I have to make sure I get at least 7, if not 9 hours of sleep a night! I've always been a good sleeper, but here it's even more important! Believe it or not, but thinking is really hard- sitting in a 2 hour lecture in German about history in the 1500s can make you more tired than running a marathon, I think. (Please don't quote me on that, I haven't ran a marathon- I'm lucky to make it to the end of the block! :P)
4. Which brings me to the last point for now- EXERCISE! I have been doing workout videos in my room the past coupe of weeks and eating well and sleeping more and I couldn't be feeling better! Seriously! Exercise is key! While I know some people have the mentality of "I can go for a run anywhere, but I can only eat/do/drink/_____ this here," but it's important to do that run too! I've been trying to build myself up to run further than to the end of the block with much success! I think it's really important to take care of my body, it's what keeps me going after all!
Like I said- being healthy is important, no matter where you are, but especially while you're abroad! There are so many things to do and see and to get involved with that it makes it all that much more possible when you're fit and healthy!
And- there's nothing more exciting than changing your outside while you're growing so much stronger on the inside!
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